The Training Environment For Financial Services

Board Effectiveness Review Workshop for Financial Organisations

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Course Outline and Objectives
  • Assess governance effectiveness through review and facilitated discussion.
  • Identify how and where there is cross-functional dependence across various board roles.
  • Establish solutions to resolve any gaps or missed oversight.
  • Develop lastest governance best practices in leveraging board information packs.
  • Build development actions that support individual professional development needs.
Key Takeaways:
  1. Critically Analyse Board Effectiveness: Employ frameworks and discussion prompts to throughly assess current governance models and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Navigate Cross-Functional Dynamics: Recognise and map dependencies between board roles, ensuring comprehensive oversight and collaboration across all functions.
  3. Develop Actionable Solutions: Design practical solutions to address identified gaps in governance processes and mitigate potential oversight risks.
  4. Optimise Information Utilisation: Master best practices for creating and leveraging board information packs for informed decision-making and strategic direction.
  5. Craft Customised Development Plans: Formulate targeted actions to support individual professional growth and enhance contribution to effective board governance.
Who will benefit?

This workshop is designed for individuals who play a critical role in ensuring the effectiveness and good governance of boards within regulated financial institutions. It is particularly valuable to Board Members, Company Secretaries and Board Support Professionals, Senior Executives and Leaders, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Human Resources Professionals and Legal Counsel.

Why choose in-house?

In-house training offers several advantages:

  • Tailored content and real-world example: The training can be designed to address your company's specific needs and challenges. The trainer can incorporate case studies and examples relevant to your industry and company, making the learning more relatable and impactful.
  • Convenience and cost:
    • You can choose the dates and times of the training to fit your team's schedule.
    • There is no (or minimal) travel costs.
    • It can be more cost-effective per person if you have a larger group of employees that need the training.
  • Learning Environment:
    • With only your team present, there are fewer distractions and the trainer can focus entirely on your needs.
    • It can encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing between colleagues.
    • Employees may feel more comfortable asking questions and sharing challenges in a familiar environment with colleagues, especially if the training involves sensitive company information.
  • Expertise: Our trainers specialise in the topic and can bring a high level of expertise to your team.
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