The Training Environment For Financial Services

Effectively Communicating Compliance

You are looking at one of our in-house courses. Many of our in-house programmes are also available as open courses on specific dates. Click here to see our open course calendar.


Course Outline and Objectives

Communication, communication, communication. In any areas of our lives - whether professional or personal - communication is fundamental. Get it right and many difficulties can be avoided. Get it wrong and a whole host of issues will arise.

What makes good communication? How do we develop our professional compliance practices to avoid unnecessary difficulties? How can we effectively communicate to ensure good outcomes?

Through a series of topics, small group discussions and plenary feedback, this course aims to provide practitioners with the platform and opportunity to discuss with industry colleagues these vital and challenging issues. Having completed this roundtable seminar, individuals will be better equipped to identify strengths and weaknesses in the current practices and to have strategies to address key areas identified as needing improvement.

This course can be tailored to your requirements, these are some ways it will help you and your team:
  1. Understand key features of good communication
  2. Recognise and adopt excellent communicative strategies
  3. Develop clear messaging
  4. Identify audience and target communication
  5. Build resources using internal and external materials
  6. Examine strategies and approaches for effective communication
Why choose in-house?

In-house training offers several advantages:

  • Tailored content and real-world example: The training can be designed to address your company's specific needs and challenges. The trainer can incorporate case studies and examples relevant to your industry and company, making the learning more relatable and impactful.
  • Convenience and cost:
    • You can choose the dates and times of the training to fit your team's schedule.
    • There is no (or minimal) travel costs.
    • It can be more cost-effective per person if you have a larger group of employees that need the training.
  • Learning Environment:
    • With only your team present, there are fewer distractions and the trainer can focus entirely on your needs.
    • It can encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing between colleagues.
    • Employees may feel more comfortable asking questions and sharing challenges in a familiar environment with colleagues, especially if the training involves sensitive company information.
  • Expertise: Our trainers specialise in the topic and can bring a high level of expertise to your team.
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